Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Morning Walk #8 - GreenMarket

Multi-level bike parking on the Do Not Enter sign

Plastic catering trays of fruit & brownies in Jackson Square - an offering for the hungry

Teenager holding a lit cigarette - wavering between defiant and uneasy

Business suit clad man hails a cab which stops then takes off immediately

Halfway up the same block a cab stops and attempts to solicit me as the next fare

Older, frail woman leans heavily on a cane while her leashed dog tries to pull her along

Middle-aged woman using a cane sees her bus and takes off running with the cane held aloft

Homeless man tucked behind a mesh screen at a construction site - he's propped up on the ground reading a magazine as if he's reading in bed.  I guess he is.

Graffiti message on a table top leaning against a building: F*** School!

Restaurant staff shopping for fresh vegetables at the GreenMarket. (I hope they change their white chef's coats when they get back.)

Mountain Sweet Berry Farm selling only ramps - a lot of ramps

Park cleaning crew hanging out in a group of 5 - chatting much, working little

A woman calls to her curious dog, "Come on Sniffy Snifferson!"

Steps:  8784

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