Friday, June 21, 2013

Morning Walk #35 - Union Square Park

After sniffing around my backpack this little squirrel refuses to turn around for his closeup.  As I give up on getting a decent photo I notice that 5 people are gathered around watching us...including another photographer who probably got better photos than this one!

64 degrees and sunny.  A perfect first day of summer!

The pink & blue matching houses on 15th Street

The ever present construction...this time with a huge crane hoisting supplies to the 6th floor of a new building

Interesting architecture at 33 Irving Place, built in 1909

A television crew setting up a shoot

Ichabod's on Irving Place...with an entrance labeled Headless Horseman in stone carved letters

Another restaurant "Closed by Order of the Commissioner of Health & Mental Hygiene".  An official sign on the door and the front window under which someone has taped another sign: "Closed due to Refrigeration Problems" --- That would be some serious refrigeration problems.

A man in the park wearing a hat presumably of his own looks like lots of colorful plastic bags were tied together to make a huge Afro sort of plastic wig

I'm just thinking I never see the same people in the park when the cantaloupe eating man walks to a bench and pops open his container of cantaloupe chunks

An Irish-sounding woman asks me to take a couple photos of her on her iPhone.  I try to pose her in the foreground of the sign she wants included in the shot...but she wants the standard tourist photo of a distant tiny figure in front of the park sign

I make a few purchases at the GreenMarket after dropping off my compost

I see that time has flown and the pet store is opening so I stop in to buy some pet food.  The woman behind me in the checkout line is buying a "cute" rat for her fiancé...

Steps: 9494

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