Saturday, August 30, 2014

On the Road Again

Today I saw a stone house built by Peter Bronck in had additions by various later generations also but still the oldest part (on the left) was REALLY old and the interior is decorated according to the era it was built.

Shelby the uber knowledgeable guide conducted the tour. She was SO knowledgeable that the one hour tour became three hours! I learned a lot but if I'd known the tour was going to be that long I would have packed a lunch!

There was also an 1835 thirteen sided barn from the farm's later years as a dairy farm.

Yes, there was a Burying Ground too!

Made a stop at a service area. I guess it has been a long time since I've stopped at one. When did they start stocking healthy food at a service area??? There were lots of fruit, salad, nuts and trail mix choices in the little store next to the fast food places. And there was a farmer's market outside!

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