Monday, March 31, 2014

Goodbye March

That's a whole paragraph to tell you that you are at the wrong door!

Happy Tater Day!

Goodbye March! Will April bring more spring weather...soon?

Morning temperature: 37 degrees (felt like 24)
Morning steps: 5295

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Jefferson Market Library

The Jefferson Market Courthouse opened in 1877. Jefferson was a reference to the former president and the site had been a produce market. The Courthouse saw some famous trials and hosted the country's first night court.

Now it's the Jefferson Market Library. There is a lot of history in these gothic walls.

Today I'm heading there for a free class.

Don't forget Earth Hour tonight from 8:30 to 9:30. Join the world and turn off your lights for that hour. Next year plan a party and celebrate lights out together!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Breathe In

The window gave no instructions to breathe out

Morning temperature: 44 degrees
Morning steps: 7457

Thursday, March 27, 2014

These Shoes Were Made for Walking

Eleven months ago I started taking a walk every weekday morning. On rare occasions the morning walk happened in the afternoon when I knew I had a bit of a walk ahead of me for some appointment but 99% of the time it was a walk in the morning.

The shoes pictured above are my first casualties. Other than wearing boots in the winter these shoes were usually my footwear of choice. I didn't notice that they were getting so worn till they were pretty far gone. Only my shoe inserts were keeping my bare heels from touching the pavement. Once I noticed the wear I became more aware of my alignment being off kilter.

These shoes did the trick. They were advertised as walking shoes and that's what they did. Elastic laces kept them on my feet and snug enough to prevent my feet from sliding inside. Unfortunately I was not able to find the same style in an appropriate width so I'm trying something new.

Goodbye dear shoes. You have served me well.

Morning temperature: 22 degrees
Morning steps: 5343

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Gutsy Wind

A bench is telling me to "defy the masses"?????

We had a little snow last night but there was no trace of it this morning. The wind, however, was nasty! I probably should have headed in a direction that took me farther away from the river. Some of the gusts were blowing my full sized figure in directions I hadn't intended to go! When I see the word gusty in the weather report I often read it as gutsy. This morning those gusty winds were definitely gutsy!

I gave up sooner than I planned to because I couldn't keep my scarf and hood on my head for more than a few seconds at a time.

Morning temperature: 33 degrees
Morning steps: 4877

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

City Hall

This morning I had an adventure in city government. Yesterday I was invited to attend the preliminary budget hearing for the Commission on Aging. You don't have to be invited to attend these hearings, of course, they are open to the public...but I received some email yesterday asking for attendees. I've never attended a City Council hearing so I thought, what the heck? And, of course, if we are alive, we are aging so that means me too.

City Hall is my kind of building. The current building is the 3rd City Hall building (the second City Hall had become Federal Hall during the Revolutionary War when New York was the first capital of the US.  It was constructed in 1810 - 1812. The winners of the architectural competition for the design of the Hall won $350! Both the interiors and exterior are designated New York City landmarks.

President-elect Lincoln was hosted in the Governor's Room in the Hall in 1861. His body lay in state in the rotunda here in 1865. President Grant also lay in state in the rotunda in 1885.

So what about that hearing? There were only a few members of the Committee on Aging present rather than the whole City Council (which is over 50 members.)  I did see Mayor Bill de Blasio arriving for work around 9:15-ish. (No, I'm not going to harass him for late arrival since he probably already attended at least one meeting before arrival.)

I learned a lot or, at least, a little about a lot. I heard a lot of acronyms. I missed the definition of some but NORC was bandied about at length. This one refers to Naturally Occurring Retirement Community. It might be a multi-unit housing facility or neighborhood that was not specifically built for the elderly but over time has accumulated a high population of aging people. Some of these NORCs have an agency to provide seniors with services.

Another hot topic was Elder Abuse which is on the rise and suspected to be highly underreported. I really hate to hear that this happens so much but apparently it does.

Senior centers often cater to immigrants with multiple languages, ethnic groups and religions. These centers as well as the Meals on Wheels program have a need to offer food familiar to various cultures as well as kosher and halal meals, for instance.

There was much talk about agencies being unable to provide some services because their mandate has strict limitations.

Many of these organizations need more money to provide more services and that's why they were speaking at the public portion of the meeting. There is a huge variety of agencies providing assistance.

If you know young people looking for career guidance, suggest a career in the field of services to the aging. It's going to be big through the baby boomer years and beyond. There was much talk about the need for social workers with a background in gerontology. The fields of healthcare and law also need practitioners with these backgrounds. And there will be more and more jobs in organizations providing services for the aging.

Morning temperature: 27 degrees
Morning steps: 11,004

Monday, March 24, 2014

No Bad Luck Just Cold Weather

I used a zoom lens to take this photo...I didn't want to get too close to a Bad Luck Spot!

The weather is still doing a number on us. For my winter walks I wear a flannel lined nylon jacket under my winter coat. Friday I was able to wear just the winter coat. On Saturday I hauled out the spring coat. Sunday I had to wear the winter coat again and this morning it was back to 2 coats.

That's okay. Variety is good!

Morning temperature: 21 degrees
Morning steps: 6171

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Congressman Hanging Out in Chelsea

My congressman, Jerrold Nadler, collecting signatures outside the grocery store yesterday

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Recycling E-Waste

The Lower East Side Ecology Center & Tekserve sponsored an electronic recycling pick up today in  Chelsea. An old laptop from my apartment joined the piles of stuff. I'm glad to have an easy way to drop things off to be recycled or responsibly trashed.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Yabba Dabba Do

A couple new kids' rides at Chelsea Piers. You gotta love that the Flintstones are still relevant!

Morning temperature: 39 degrees
Morning steps: 6161

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Welcome Spring!

Okay, so it's spring...let's open up this lawn!

It was 9 degrees warmer today than yesterday but it felt colder...probably due to the dark clouds and fog shrouding the tall buildings. The sun was just starting to peek through as I made it home.

Morning temperature: 42 degrees
Morning steps: 8030

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Worth the Wait

A bunch of these signs went up around the neighborhood a couple weeks ago
(Happy Birthday, ML!)
Morning temperature: 33 degrees
Morning steps: 5180

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Is Spring Around the Corner?

I love the pussy willows...even if I couldn't seem to get them in focus!


St. Patrick's Day is over and Spring is sneaking up on us. It's still cold yet it feels and looks like spring is coming. I'm not ruling out some more snow before the end of the season (though I hope it's over).

This morning on the High Line the landscapers were cutting back the brown tall grasses in preparation for the spring planting. In one lawn area, there seemed to be white crocuses (croci?) popping up. This is weird because it's cold but also because they aren't normally planted in a scatter pattern across a lawn. I'll have to keep my eye on them!
There was more early morning traffic on the High Line also...even though it was still only 28 degrees.
I stopped at the grocery store on my way home. I've usually been there earlier or much later. Today I was there in time to see the construction workers ordering sandwiches from the store's deli. It was still too early for lunch but apparently these guys stop in to buy their lunches on the way to work. I should check to see if the sandwiches are cheaper than a regular deli. It could just be a convenient location to the work site.
Morning temperature: 28 degrees
Morning steps: 7026

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Never iron a four leaf clover
It's not good to press your luck!

Morning temperature: 24 degrees (felt like 12)
Morning steps: 6067

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Party's Over

Divas, hang up your tiaras..........till next year!


Friday, March 14, 2014

B&B Love

Captain Stannard Inn
A 102 mile Road Trip that took 7 hours (a girl's gotta shop!)
But ended at this dream of a B&B!
Crafting with my girls
And sleeping in a comfortable bed all warm & toasty
Is this Heaven or what?
Morning temperature: 18 degrees

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Road Trip

On the road for a weekend trip!
Morning temperature: 18 degree
Morning steps: 4586

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Can you see those 2 little shoots in the middle?

It was feeling like Spring today with a predicted high of 62 degrees. This little guy in the photo was peeking out of the earth. People were wearing light coats and some guys only had their suit jackets on. Even kids were lightly dressed on their way to school although it wasn't warm yet.

But Thursday it's back to a high of 28 degrees!

Morning temperature: 48 degrees
Morning steps: 9664

Monday, March 10, 2014

Good Morning Daylight Savings Time

If you want to camouflage a building on a city street you should wrap it with a building scene not a tree! Didn't fool me!

It was a dark morning again with yesterday's time change. The weather report said it was 38 degrees so I tried one less layer which worked well. I was not expecting the tiny snowflakes since there had been no prediction of precipitation AND it was 38 degrees!

Morning temperature: 38 degrees
Morning steps: 6874

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Saturday, March 8, 2014


If you write WTF instead of the actual it less profane?

Friday, March 7, 2014

Commuter Composting

This totebag is my gift for Commuter Compost Appreciation Week. (Is it weird that it came in a plastic bag?)

This was Commuter Composter Appreciation Week. The Commuter Compost Project involves a few drop off points set up at some subway stops to make it easy to drop off food scraps to be composted. The project has 3 locations and they figure 410 households have been using the program and dropping off just over 1.5 tons of food scraps during this beginning period. Keeping that much out of the landfills is a good thing in itself but the compost also is used in green spaces around the city.

I am lucky enough to have compost drop offs within walking distance on 6 days a week although the closest Commuter Compost Drop operates only on Tuesday and Thursday. It seems like such a simple thing to do for a big environmental payoff. Thank you Lower East Side Ecology Center!

Morning temperature: 29 degrees
Steps: 13,319

Thursday, March 6, 2014

That Girl

Last night I had a music adventure. I was a guest at the Jennifer Nettles That Girl Tour concert. I enjoyed the music though Brandy Clark, the opening act, was a little too twangy for my taste. She has written songs recorded by several country music performers and is now singing them herself.

Here's what I learned from are no good. They'll hurt a woman both physically and emotionally. But then apparently you are supposed to get right back up on that man horse and ride it again...or, at least, another one! After listening to 30 minutes of her songs, I'm not sure why she'd ever have another relationship with a man...except to get lyrics for her next song, I guess!

Jennifer's songs are a little more R&B. She has performed in stadiums with her band, Sugarland, so the 1929 Beacon Theatre seating 2894 must have seemed intimate to her...though the That Girl Tour is performing in a lot of smaller venues. I enjoyed her performance. The sound system from my seat was pretty good for her songs but muddy for her speech.

There were also 2 songs from Marc Cohn, a surprise guest. Jennifer joined Marc on his song, Walking in Memphis. Based on audience participation and appreciation...that could have been the favorite number of the evening.

Although the audience had many "seasoned" members...I felt old! It's been a long time since I've been to a concert. I was not used to the constant movement of people as they went out to get more drinks. The miracle of the night may have been that no one fell regardless of the fact that they were weaving up and down stairs - in the dark - while balancing at least 2 drinks each time.

Worse than that...people chatted constantly throughout the performances. And the last straw?...singing along! The women behind me were obviously huge Jennifer Nettles fans because they knew every word of her songs even from her new That Girl cd. They sang those lyrics at the top of their lungs! Only mildly annoying at first, the more they drank the harder it was for them to hit the notes. Why do you spend $45 to sing along with someone performing way down on the stage? They couldn't have heard a word she sang.

The in person music event allows you to feel the energy as well as see the performer live but if you just want to hear the it!

Still all in all...a nice night out!

Morning temperature: 16 degrees (felt like 1)
Morning steps: 4162

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

This book belongs to its owner...

What does this sign mean and why is it painted on the side of a building?

Morning temperature: 27 degrees
Morning steps: 5323

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Words of Wisdom from Haven's Kitchen

I have a subscription to Food Network Magazine as well as Everyday with Rachael Ray. Sometimes I'm not sure why I have those subscriptions because I don't cook real stuff all that often and a publication about all about "Rach" and her good buddies is sometimes annoying.

But here's the comment I intended to make somewhere along the way. Recent issues of both magazines were themes. I discovered I don't like theme issues. Even if I enjoy the theme I like a little more variety and if I don't like the theme...that's a big waste of paper!

Food Network Magazine was featuring BACON. I like bacon. I don't eat strips of bacon often but I think it's even better as an addition to various recipes...a little in the pasta or the salad is good. I am not a crazed bacon fan. I don't need bacon in my chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cupcakes or lollipops

Everyday with Rachael Ray was celebrating BREAKFAST. I like breakfast. I rarely cook much more than oatmeal but I like eating breakfast at a restaurant. My problem with eating out for breakfast is savory or sweet? I kinda like both. If I have eggs I have to have toast but in a combo breakfast of say, eggs and don't get the toast. I see the point of that but how can I have eggs without toast?

I want to order adventurous items but I'm a sucker for the usual breakfast foods.

And I like variety in my magazine issues.

Morning temperature: 14 degrees (felt like 5)
Morning steps: 8905

Monday, March 3, 2014

Post-Oscars Day

I didn't see a description for what this object is though it has nothing to do with the cruise ship sign in the background. There are lists of names on the blocks.

The Academy Awards are a strange are most of these type of awards. You get a job, you do the work, you get paid...and then maybe you get an award that indicates someone thought you were the best at your job that year.

This award might get the winners their next job but might have no effect at all on future work due to the nature of the industry.

The awards show is another whole industry. The nominees usually attend. (Years ago a lot of nominees didn't feel the need to show up but now it's unusual if the main award nominees aren't all there.) Fashion designers offer clothes to the nominees as a means of advertising. Jewelry designers loan ungodly expensive pieces to be worn to the event. Countless television shows cover the red carpet arrivals.

The show is broadcast with highlights and lowlights every year. Some avid movie goers have home parties to watch the show with like minded individuals. But I was bored. There are so many technical awards. Some of those are for things needed to make a movie but that I don't entirely understand. And, of course, I feel bad for the people who walk out without an award.

I read a book from start to finish during the awards show. Why was I watching (sort of) the whole show you might ask. Well, it's a small apartment and it wasn't my turn to control the remote.

Most of us do our jobs and don't get even an Employee of the Month award though there are often benefits to a job well done. Luckily for me, I don't have to dress up and sit in an auditorium for 4 hours or so every year for a best employee awards ceremony.

Morning temperature: 21 degrees (felt like 7)
Morning steps: 4406

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Eat, Drink & Be Crafty

Last night's craft group...obviously more interested in food & drink than crafts! We love Waldy's pizza!