I didn't see a description for what this object is though it has nothing to do with the cruise ship sign in the background. There are lists of names on the blocks. |
The Academy Awards are a strange thing...as are most of these type of awards. You get a job, you do the work, you get paid...and then maybe you get an award that indicates someone thought you were the best at your job that year.
This award might get the winners their next job but might have no effect at all on future work due to the nature of the industry.
The awards show is another whole industry. The nominees usually attend. (Years ago a lot of nominees didn't feel the need to show up but now it's unusual if the main award nominees aren't all there.) Fashion designers offer clothes to the nominees as a means of advertising. Jewelry designers loan ungodly expensive pieces to be worn to the event. Countless television shows cover the red carpet arrivals.
The show is broadcast with highlights and lowlights every year. Some avid movie goers have home parties to watch the show with like minded individuals. But I was bored. There are so many technical awards. Some of those are for things needed to make a movie but that I don't entirely understand. And, of course, I feel bad for the people who walk out without an award.
I read a book from start to finish during the awards show. Why was I watching (sort of) the whole show you might ask. Well, it's a small apartment and it wasn't my turn to control the remote.
Most of us do our jobs and don't get even an Employee of the Month award though there are often benefits to a job well done. Luckily for me, I don't have to dress up and sit in an auditorium for 4 hours or so every year for a best employee awards ceremony.
Morning temperature: 21 degrees (felt like 7)
Morning steps: 4406
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