Monday, October 7, 2013

Morning Walk #111 - Still looking like Fall

Fall at the GreenMarket

70 degrees and 88% humidity

I expected rain so I tried to not be pissy about the humidity but even with anti-frizz cream in my hair it looks like I stuck my finger in that electric socket

The top of the Empire State Building lost in fog

A boy standing on his scooter...hanging on to his dad's arm for momentum

Seeing people in darkened stores hours before opening time

Another see-through lace...this time a knitted black lace mini-skirt...the design featuring large holes. No lining just black bikini panties. How do you wear that to the office?

A woman asks me if I know where the New School is because she wants to return a lost ID. I tell her there are several locations...all are east and south of where we stand. She points north and west and says she will try that location. There isn't one there but if she is determined...why did she ask?

Steps: 10,707

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