Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Morning Walk #47 - Hudson Riverwalk

75 degrees, hazy sun, 73% humidity

A garden at the projects...full of plastic animals...a man tells me he is the landscaper of the garden and LOVES it.  He's 65 and has lived in the building for 44 years.  He offers to unlock the gate so I can take better photos (well...closer photos...better is not always in the cards for me)

These city owned apartment houses built in 1965 are now surrounded by expensive stores and restaurants as the area gentrifies

The Church of the Guardian Angel was founded in 1888 to minister to the workers at the Hudson River waterfront. The current 1930 Romanesque building is decorated with both religious sculpture and some gargoyles that seem in conflict with the message.

The waterfront is peaceful with only the chirping of birds and the occasional boat or helicopter buzzing by

The waves are gentle but the moored yachts rock from some mysterious underwater action

A woman walks backward down the pier. I later try the same. It uses a whole different set of muscles

I dig a glow necklace from between the slats of the boardwalk. It is stamped "Macy's Fireworks 2013"

The Chelsea Piers are hopping this morning with children's activities.  Twenty-some little kids (mostly boys) line up in t-shirts saying Chelsea Piers Golf Camp

On the way back there are lots of people on their way to work...an amazing amount of them going in and coming out of coffee shops

The ever present construction sites have been in full swing for hours

A lone man pushes a wheelbarrow full of wet cement

Steps: 7565

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