Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Friday, December 23, 2016


Merry Christmas!

Morning temperature: 39 degrees

Steps: 6878

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Snowy Cat

Here's that cat I saw not too long ago. Now he has some snow cover!

Morning temperature: 38 degrees

Steps: 10,142

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Snowy Tree

We got some snow on the weekend which was followed by rain so the streets were a nasty, slushy mess. But kids still love the snow!

Morning temperature: 21 degrees

Steps: 6211

Friday, December 16, 2016

Where is Santa?

Another Santa bites the dust!

Morning temperature: 17 degrees (feels like 6 degrees!)

Steps: 7034

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Sign of the Times

Luckily that sign doesn't apply to us right now but at least someone is prepared.

Morning temperature: 30 degrees

Steps: 8724

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The River

I love these remnants of piers from the past...though they do seem hazardous to river traffic.

Morning temperature: 36 degrees

Steps: 9306

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


I forgot a photo!

Morning temperature: 36 degrees

Steps: 6654

Monday, December 12, 2016

Bake Sale

Would you buy home baked treats from these characters???

Spent all day Saturday baking treats to sell at this Bake Sale.

Morning temperature: 38 degrees

Steps: 8422

Friday, December 9, 2016


I like the vivid colors of the lights on this tree...even if I can't take a decent nighttime photo!

Morning temperature: 33 degrees

Steps: 8113

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Ho Ho Ho

At the Christmas tree stand

Morning temperature: 39 degrees

Steps: 10,028

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


The crazy crafters were at it again although we had some absences.

Morning temperature: 41 degrees

Steps: 9614

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Holiday decorations everywhere

Morning temperature: 40 degrees

Steps: 10,260

Friday, December 2, 2016

Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Library

Jefferson Market Courthouse Library might be my favorite library. The 1875 building is certainly one of my favorites. The Courthouse was built on the site of the Jefferson Market, an outdoor market.

I usually take photos of the other side that highlight the tower which was used as a fire watchtower in the early days. This side of the gothic building with the leafless trees is kind of creepy.

In 1896, author Stephen Crane (known for The Red Badge of Courage) testified on behalf of a woman he thought was unfairly arrested on charges of prostitution.

The Courthouse is also famous for the trial of Harry K. Thaw who shot and killed architect, Stanford White over Thaw's wife, Evelyn Nesbitt who had been known as the Girl in the Velvet Swing. The sensational trial in 1906 was later immortalized in E. L. Doctorow's Ragtime. (Thaw was declared insane and put away till 1915.)

When women picketing the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory were arrested, they were brought to this courthouse partly to intimidate them with close proximity to the ladies of the evening who were processed there.

In the '20's, the Courthouse became a women's court and a women's detention center was built next door.

In 1927, Mae West was arrested and charged with obscenity in regards to her Broadway play, "Sex". She spent a night in prison there, paid a $500 fine and then spent another 9 days in a workhouse.

How can you not love a library with history like that???

Morning temperature: 52 degrees

Steps: 9155